THe first mission is already accomplihed, if i should rate it i would give 4/5. It's not a perfect mission anyway..

(by Simple Plan)
Cos we lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I'm sorry
I can't be perfect
Now it's just too late and
We can't go back
I'm sorry
I can't be perfect

It's not really match with my case anyway, but it's quite match lyric. Guys, i would do the second mission in the short future, this is my short future plan in this very begining of the 2006. Hope that it will be as success as the first mission did.

Okay, kemaren aku capek banget, jadi blog-nya gak bisa panjang-panjang, pokoknya aku dah ngasih tau kalian, kira-kira bagaimana perjuanganku, dan aku nggak bakal ngasih tau lebih lanjut lagi, karena blog ini bisa aja dibaca oleh semua orang diseluruh penjuru dunia kan?? Terlalu riskan gitu loh... Mungkin kalo kalian bener-bener pengen tau, bisa tanya lewat e-mail aja ok???
Yup, kemaren seharian penuh abis pulang dari batu aku langsung tidur, bayangin aja masa tidur malem jam 5 pagi, kan gak lucu tuh, abis itu tidur gak bisa nyenyak, diganggu terus.. Hix.. Hix... Hix....
Dan kalo mau tau lagi, beberapa hari ini nih, aku suka banget ama lagunya Robie Williams, yang judulnya 'Better Man', mantab abis coy.....
Okay, segini dulu aja hari ini, see yaa later.

Better Man (Robie Williams)

Verse 1:

Send some-one to love_me_ I need_to rest_ in arms_
Keep me safe from harm_ in pour-ing rain__
Give me end-less sum_mer_ Lord, I fear the cold_
Feel I'm get-ting old_ be-fore my time_


As my soul__ heals the shame__
I-will grow__ through this pain__
Lord, I'm do-ing_ all I can_
To be a bet-ter man

Verse 2:

Go ea-sy on my con_science_ 'cause it's not_ my fault_
I know I've_ been taught_ to take_the blame__
Rest as-sured my an_gels__ will catch_ my tears_
Walk me out of here_ I'm in pain__


As my soul___ heals_the shame__
I-will grow__ through this pain__
Lord, I'm do in'_ all I can_
To be a bet-ter man


Once you've found that lov-er you're home-ward bound_
Love is all_ a-round_ love is all_ a-round_
I know some have fall-en on ston-y ground_
But love is all_ a-round___

Verse 1:

Send some-one to love_me_ I need_to rest_ in arms_
Keep me safe from harm_ in pour-ing rain__
Give me end-less sum_mer_ Lord, I fear the cold_
Feel I'm get-ting old_ be-fore my time_


As my soul___ heals_the shame__
I-will grow__ through this pain__
Lord, I'm do in'_ all I can_
To be a bet-ter man

ps: The Next Mission, i still can't tell you when i would do it....