//real friends understand
Happy Valentine Day...

Emm... I have a complicated story to tell... Langsung aje versi Indonesia, udah cepet, gampang dingertiin lagi..

Jadi gini neh, once upon a time, there is a boy named Hiro. Nah, Hiro ini suatu ketika naksir berat sama cewek, namanya... Emm... Hikari aja deh.. Nah, masalah utamanya neh, Hikari ni dah jadian tjoy !! Nah.... Masalahnya lagi, si Hiro ini tetep aje deketin si Hikari.. P’tanyaan pertama : Salah gak seh klo naksir cewek orang? Nekat pedekate lagi.

Trus.... Rupanya si Hiro ni ke ge-eran juga.... Dia trus aje pedekate, sambil nunggu waktu yang tepat buat nembak si Hikari.. P’tanyaan kedua : Katanya ga boleh nunggu cewek yg ditaksir putus ma co’nya ya? Boleh aja kan....? Ya ngga?

Trus.... Akhirnya si Hiro yang emang ga sabaran ni sempet kegoda ma ce laen. Sbut aje namenye Haruka.. Tapi, stelah mikir lama, Hiro malah mutusin buat tetep ngejar Hikari yang dah punya co, daripada Haruka yang single.. Trus, Hiro malah ngungkapin prasaannya ke Hikari !!! Gile bener... Tapi Hiro rupanya masi punya prasaan juga, dia ga minta Hikari buat jadi ceweknya. Dia malah mo nunggu Hikari sampai si Hiro bisa nembak Hikari (in other words, ampe si Hikari single). Nah, p’tanyaan ketiga : Mnurut anda-anda yang baca, si Hiro ini gimana seh? Anda-anda skalian setuju gak klo dia nunggu si Hikari?

Penting : Cerita di atas di adaptasi dari komik H2 dan sedikit based on true story of my friend... O iya, si Hiro juga dengan ge-ernya, atau dengan yakinnya, atau dengan polosnya merasa kalo Hikari ne memberi sinyal2 positif ke dia... Alamak....

emmm... cerita diatas asalnya dari temenku.. Dan dia sangat berharap akan pendapat dari temen-temen semuanya.. Tolong kasih comment ya.....



By felix-v2002

well, another friend are going to leave Malang soon, he head up to Jakarta to contnue his study at trisakti.. Well, what i want to give is just a memorable moment for him.. So, i was joined my friend to arrange a special dinner for him and for "the one who left"...

Actually, i didn't see the dinner myself, but at least i had give a hand here... So, i hope that it would be one of the best moment in his life... I can't give anything else...

I know, that farewell, for some people always be hurt, but if there is a meet there is also a farewell, that's for sure.... I dunno, how many times do i have before i say "sayonara" to all of my friends, especially "one" hehehe....

So, what do we do with this farewell??? Nothing... But we can make effort to make this farewell worthless... How?? just like what i had done.. Simple isnt it???

And you cant take the fact of farewell?? well, thats normal, but slowly you'll be able to take it... I dunno how slow is it, maybe 1 year, or maybe 100 years...

But, one thing for sure... we'll meet again, even though we had say "farewell" till the death reach us...

Sayonara my friends... Success in your future... Let us meet again someday!!!! ^^ Good luck!


Just a share

By felix-v2002

Guys, there is no exactly perfectly same love story between two people/couple... everybody had their very own love story, bad, sad, happy, cry, and many more... So don't try to copy what your friend do that make him success.. You wont get success from that way... Trust me...

Every boy/girl you love have different way to get into her... Now, what you must do is to find that way... you must be able to understand it..

And so, it doesn't matter if you failed at once, you would never give up if your love is pure.. If you keep on trying, success is just a matter of time...

But, a lot of people tryin' to copy what their friend did to get success, but many of them success, but are you happy with that??? That's not your true "yourself" isn't it??? so what struggle you made then??? And what does it means, love without struggle???

Well, many stories from love, i have heard a lot of sad story, most of them was bad at first, but after they make a second struggle, most of them are success... Whatever situation you had, such as she reject you, she already have a boyfriend, she won't respond you, etc. Never give up unless you don't love her anymore...

I know that you would feel so down when you guys are rejected, but what i can advice you is that to ask yourself : "Do i want it to be ended like this?? Am i still love her??" and you would find what to do from your answer... So, never give up kay???

And for those who get a success, never dissapoint your couple, remember a lot of people working hard for love....

one last, from our famous reality show : "love will find you if you try"

cheerz... ^^


Wazzupp on A boy's mind

By felix-v2002

why do woman is always hard to understand??? Hmm, that's a question that will always last on man minds.. All girls, for you to know, we, boys, are always wondering why does it is always hard to understand what you want... Sometimes you say no for yes, and you say yes for no...

What a girl say is sometimes different with what on their mind and even more different with what they do.. They say no, and then confused about it, think about it for a few days, get so depressed, but in fact they are enjoying doing the "yes" thing, and still say no whether in fact they are sayin' and doin' yes....

Well, a girl who read this post will say "no felix, you are wrong, we are not like that" but if you asked for about a million boys, they will say yes... and again, it's a proof that you are hard to understand..

So, why do a girl is hard to understand???
I think, they are like to hide the truth, they want to be misterious, hiding things from boys... They want to make the boys keep on living in confuseness and live in doubtfulness.... But for you girls to know, we don't like to be confused.... We prefer you say yes for yes, and say no for no instead of saying yes for no...

Yeah, girls, you dunno how does the boys feel ya know... But, we can't do nothing, all that the boys can do is just make a song, just like the ada band (karena wanita SULIT DIMENGERTI, i prefer to change it like that hehehe....) or make an article like this...

We always hope for a consistency from a girl, and an understandable girl, if they want to be understand by a boy...


Hmm.. What a holiday...

By felix-v2002

umm.. nganggur banget neh liburan ini, akhirnya semua kerjaan selesai juga, mulai dari ngedit vcd yerbuk, sos3, sampe kelasku dewe, tapi ada satu lagi yang belum, ngopy cd tuh.... Yupz, nganggur banget, tapi aku suka nganggur gini, tiap hari bangun siang, trus gak ngapa2en, kadang jalan2, futsal di sekolah, ataupun nonton... Trus malem-nya nonton piala dunia sambil ketar-ketir karena taruhan gitu... Hehehe... Untunglah sampe sekarang masih + kok totoanya, jadi sek untung gitu, belum sampe minus... ehehee.....

Yah, ntar tanggal 10 juli dah harus mulai pindah ke surabaya, muales banget neh... Tapi ya mau gimana lagi =(.... Hmm.. kalo gini baru kerasa neh pedihnya yang namanya perpisahan itu...

Yupz, seperti yang udah ditulis sebelumnya saya telah LULUS dari sma, dan alleluya dengan nilai yang memuaskan pula, meskipun nilai UAS nya jelek.. Hehehehe... Hmm, so sad to heard that some of my friends in dempo dinyatakan tidak lulus gitu.. Meskipun aku gak kenal deket sama mereka semua, tapi tetep aja ikut ngerasa sedih...

Hmmmm, pengen banget biar libur ini gak ada selesainya gitu, sebab kalo selesai kan berarti aku harus kuliah... omg... jadi lebih enak kayak gini, semuanya masih di Malang dan bisa deket dengan semuanya seh... hehehehe....

So, buat semua prenz yang abis ini pencar entah kemana, just one message :
"remember all the good things we had together, never forget any of your friends".... hehehehe....

i dunno how will this life go on, and in fact, no one knows too... so lets just do our best and make a better life... =)


Well, today the national exam result is out.. Here it is:

Felix Kurniawan Tirto

Bahasa Indonesia 9,60
Bahasa Inggris 10,00
Matematika 8,00
Jumlah 27,60


hehehe.... akhirnya target awal tahunku terpenuhi (english 10) hehehehe...
i was so Surprised with the indonesian mark.... hehehe....


A Few Bad Things

By felix-v2002

Wew, some bad things happened in my life recently... Dan ini adalah hal-hal yang sangat berat buanget gitu.... Here it goes:

1. Inggris tampil mengecewakan di partai perdana
Huff, meskipun inggris menang 1-0 tapi penampilannya sangat mengecewakan, apalagi itu adalah gol bunuh diri... Penampilan Beckham dan kawan-kawan memang menyerang di babak pertama, tapi sulit banget nembus pertahanannya paraguay, Peter Crouch dan Owen juga gak berbuat banyak buat Inggris... Di Babak kedua lebih parah lagi, inggris maen bertahan, terbukti dengan digantinya owen dengan downing... Wah tambah kacau lagi permainannya... Tapi untunglah sek menang...

2. The STTS
Hmmm, STTS kemaren dulu kirim surat isinya kasih jadwal MOS dan tanggal mulai kuliah.. Fuck, MOS'e mulai tanggal 11 Juli, terus kuliah'e mulai 31 Juli...

3. It's the hardest choice!!!!
Yeah, ayo wes kita jujur-jujuran ae di sini.... Aku sangat sedih banget beberapa hari ini, coz she will go to Beijing... Yeah, dia gak jadi kul di petra, tapi akhirnya ke Beijing, it's a sudden decision... well i've got to make a decision here as well.. haruskah aku menunggu dia selama 5tahun x 12bulan x 30hari x 24jam x 60menit x 60detik = 155.520.000detik???? ataukah dengan sangat berat hati harus melupakan dan meninggalkan dia yang mana hal itu adalah pilihan yang gak mungkin banget aku pilih.. well, it's the hardest choice ever given in my life.... Sekarang masalahnya aku dah bener-bener mau nunggu gitu, terus gimana dengan dia sendiri??? Apakah dia akan menghargai penantianku itu?? Ataukah dia gak ngerti??? Dan apakah akan berakhir sia-sia??? well, itulah konsekuensi dari pilihan yang mesti diambil, tiap pilihan ada konsekuansinya masing-masing.. kalau aku milih pilihan yang kedua, itu sama saja aku membuang percuma hasil kerja keras selama ini... Dan aku bakalan sedih banget... Lebih sedih daripada yang di Bali itu... well, it's a really hard choice...

4. Some might say...
Huff, first of all let me say SORRY, a big SORRY.... this one is from Tya... Waktu aku tanya ke Tya aku harus gimana, dia bilang kalo bener'e aku dah gak seberapa cinta lagi sama dia... Hell no!!! I still love her ya know... Yup, tapi ada saatnya kan dimana cinta itu harus memilih, tapi bukan berarti aku nggak cinta lagi kan??? 5 tahun itu lama banget... Sekarang kalo aku dah bener-bener nunggu, tapi ternyata dia dah dapet yang laen gitu gimana??? What if you were in my position??? Kamu pasti binggung juga gitu... berat banget neh ini... Kamu bisa aja bilang cinta gak bisa dipisahkan jarak, tapi inget dia itu bukan pacarku.... Tapi okay, i would not give up here okay.... Thanks for your support.... =)


I'm Just a Kid

By felix-v2002

I woke up it was 7
I waited 'till 11
To figure out that no one would call
I think i've got a lot of friends but I don't hear from them
What's another night all alone?
When your spending everyday on your own
And here it goes

I'm just a kid and life is a nightmare
I'm just a kid, I know that it's not fair
Nobody cares, cause I'm alone and the world is
Having more fun than me

And maybe when the night is dead, I'll crawl into my bed
I'm staring at these four walls again.
I'll try to think about the last time, I had a good time
Everyone's got somewhere to go
And they're gonna leave me here on my own and here it goes

I'm just a kid and life is a nightmare
I'm just a kid, I know that its not fair
Nobody cares, cause I'm alone and the world is
Having more fun than me...

What the fuck is wrong with me,
Don't fit in with anybody
How did this happen to me?
Wide awake I'm bored and I can't fall asleep
And every night is the worst night ever

I'm just a kid
I'm just a kid
I'm just a kid
I'm just a kid
I'm just a kid

I'm just a kid and life is a nightmare
I'm just a kid, I know that it's not fair
Nobody cares, cause I'm alone and the world is
Nobody wants to be alone in the world.

I'm just a kid and life is a nightmare
I'm just a kid, I know that its not fair
Nobody cares, cause I'm alone and the world is
Nobody wants to be alone in the world
Nobody cares,cause im alone and the world is
having more fun than me tonight

I'm all alone tonight
Nobody cares tonight
Cause I'm just a kid
Tonight... (trails off)



By felix-v2002

Weew... Dah lama gak nulis blog ya... Soalnya emang lagi males nulis... Dan aku gak tau mau nulis apa lagi... Semuanya berjalan biasa aja, tiap hari sama aja tuh, gak ada yang istimewa... Yeah, tentu aja aku pengen hari yang bener-bener istimewa, tapi sejak dari Bali sampe sekarang gak ada tuh yang lebih istimewa daripada hari-hari di Bali... Hua, makes me miss them so much...

Hm, akhirnya VCD year book kelar juga, kemaren malem VCD-nya kelar... Fiuh.. Lumayan capek lah, tapi lega karena akhirnya bisa selesai juga tuh... hehehe....

Dan aku masih harus ngedit video perpisahan kelasku di Bali, gak tau apa aku bakal tahan kalo ngedit video itu, ataukah film pertama yang bisa bikin aku nangis adalah film buatanku sendiri??? Geez....

yah, yang jelas sampe sekarang aku masih gak bisa melupakan malam terakhir di Bali itu, sampe sekarang kalo nginget2 pasti tetep sedih pol aku... Meskipun sekarang semua dah seperti biasa, tapi tetep aja aku sedih....

Apalagi bentar lagi dah ke stts aku, kemaren dulu dikasih jadwal MOS tuh, tanggal 11 Juli dah mulai itu... bayangin aja, terus kuliahnya dewe mulai tanggal 31 Juli (Oh.. God...)....

Hmm, kalo seandainya aku boleh mengulang satu saat dalam hidupku, maka yang akan ku-ulang adalah saat perpisahan di Bali itu.. Oh.. Goddammit.... I miss it so much...