//real friends understand
Happy Valentine Day...

Barusan, yah gak berapa lama 2 jam yang lalu kalo gak salah... Aku nge-sms dia lagi, mumpung ada pulsa gitu....

Ya, memang sms ku dibales tapi balesannya kayak slogan aja 'singkat, padat, jelas' ya udah kalo dia njawab'nya kayak gitu mau diapain lagi, ya aku gak perpanjang sms nya lagi, cuman 3 kali sms, langsung ku akhiri dengan nulis Trims ya....

Well, mungkin itu sudah kemajuan kali ya??? sms dibales, tapi kok balesannya 'kecut' gitu ya, buat para cewe yang mungkin kebetulan baca postingan ini, tolong kasih comment dong, kalo cewe bales sms ke cowo dengan 'singkat, padat, jelas' tuh kenapa kok bisa kayak gitu???

Terus mengenai judul postingan ini, kenapa kok saya pake prison?? karena saya merasa sudah sangat tersiksa banget dengan jawaban seperti itu, saya merasa ada didalam penjara dan berteriak kepada penjaga penjara, yang dibales dengan jawaban yang 'singkat padat jelas' tadi...

Well, emang dasarnya udah jadi komitmen untuk gak menyerah sebelum bener-bener waktunya ya aku bakal tetep sms ato apapun buat DEKETIN meskipun... yah seperti inilah...

Yah, sampai sekarang aku juga masih bingung, kenapa kok aku bisa suka sama tuh cewe, mungkin orang2 berkata 'Kok bisa sih kamu suka sama dia??' aku sendiri juga... yah mau gimana lagi, yang jelas aku ngerasa bahwa dia tuh anaknya asik, enak diajak omong, dan menarik gitu...

Sampai saat ini aku juga terus berharap bahwa 'dia' bakalan mengetik http://felix2002.blogspot.com di Address bar IE ato Firefox nya dan membaca tiap baris per baris, post per post, dari bulan ke bulan di blog ini...

Aku juga sebenernya agak malu juga kalo mau nulis hal2 kayak gini ke blog, yah meskipun ada sebagian kecil hal yang gak ditulis di blog ini, tapi dasar namanya 'Diary' siapapun pasti agak malu kalo 'Diary'-nya dibaca orang kan???

Wedew, ngomongnya arahnya kok jadi gak jelas gini ya, kok tambah lama tambah ngelantur gini.. Udah dulu ah.. Daripada nanti ngelanturnya tambah gak jelas... Sekali lagi, tolong saya dikasih tahu, kalo cewek bales sms kayak gitu tuh kenapa???


I'm Not Okay

By felix-v2002

Well if you wanted honesty,
That's all you had to say
I never want to let you down or have you gone,
It's better off this way!
For all the dirty looks,
The photographs your boyfriend took,
Remember when you broke your foot from jumping out the second floor?

I'm not okay,
I'm not okay,
I'm not okay,
You wear me out.

What will it take to show you that it's not the life it seems?
(I'm not okay)
I've told you time and time again, you sing the words
but don't know what it means
(I'm not okay)
To be a joke and look
Another line without a hook
I held you close as we both shook for the last time,
Take a good hard look!

I'm not okay,
I'm not okay,
I'm not okay,
You wear me out.

Forget about the dirty looks,
The photographs your boyfriend took,
You said you read me like a book,
But the pages all are torn and frayed!

I'm okay
I'm okay!
I'm okay, now
(I'm okay, now)
But you really need to listen to me,
because I'm telling you the truth
I mean this.
I'm okay!
(Trust me!)

I'm not okay
I'm not okay
Well, I'm not okay,
I'm not o-fucking-kay!
I'm not okay
I'm not okay!


Gong Xi Fa Chai!!!!!

By felix-v2002

Gong Xi Fa Chai, guys!!!!!!!



By felix-v2002

What is your Master Plan God???

Membuatku kalah di UNPAR hanya karena kecurangan panitia. Is that your really plan????

Now, What Would Jesus Do?????


The Unquestionable Truth

By felix-v2002

!!!!Celebrate my 30th post for this blog!!!!, proudly present a very special post:

This is a personal post for XXrejectedXX for answering the whole question you've asked me, for the others it's okay if you want to read it...

XXrejectedXX, setelah baca blog-mu sama blog-nya dia, i've taken a conclusion:
Itulah bedanya kisahmu dan kisahku, kamu bisa dengan mudahnya dapetin dia karena dia emang dah suka sama loe, tapi gue??? Butuh perjuangan keras buat DEKETIN, only deketin dia... Dan perjuangan keras itu lah yang bikin aku desperate selama ini...

XXrejectedXX, dia emang udah tertarik sama loe, jadi sebenernya lebuh mudah kalo cewe yang suka sama cowo daripada cowo suka sama cewe, sebab cowo tuh mudah suka sama cewe, sedang cewe sulit buat suka sama cowo kalo gak bener-bener suka sama tuh cowo... That's my own conlusion (Am i wrong?) Kalo aku? ceritanya ini cowo suka sama cewe yang mana udah saya tulis, BERAT MEN!!!!

XXrejectedXX, si-dia(mu) bisa dengan mudah menulis di-blognya yang mana bisa kamu baca, sedangkan aku.... mau baca blog-nya dimana?? Orang dia(ku) gak ada blog.... Dengan adanya blog, kamu juga bisa tahu masalah apa yang sedang dia alami, jadi lo bisa bantu kasih saran2. Sedang aku??? mau tau masalahnya dia gimana????

XXrejectedXX, si-dia(mu) dengan entengnya mengatakan suka sama loe di blognya, sedangkan dia(ku) gak jelas banget perasaannya sama aku.... kadang bisa baik banget kadang cuek banget... Terus kalo dah gini mau tau kebenarannya dimana?? Blog?? Blognya siapa???

XXrejectedXX, kalo lo pernah tanya kenapa gue suka sama dia(ku), ini jawabannya: Sebenernya aku sendiri juga gak tau kenapa, mungkin benar katanya si DEWA 'Beri sedikit waktu, biar cinta datang karena telah terbiasa', mungkin karena terlalu sering bersama dia? who knows... Yang jelas, pertama kali aku liat dia gak ada perasaan seneng sama sekali, ini kejadian waktu aku kelas 2. Yang jelas, emang salah kalo gue suka sama dia?? Yang jelas dia orangnya buat aku enak diajak omong, anaknya keren, dan sejalan dengan aku.. Mungkin itu ya yang bikin aku seneng? ato ada hal lain??? who knows? I, myself couldn't briefly answer this kind of question.....

XXrejectedXX, yang jelas hal ini telah mengubah hidupku, meskipun sangat sedikit sekali, dulu sukanya dengerin lagunya Slipknot, LP, and other Rock guys... But now, yah meskipun masih suka sama LP (LP forever coy!!!) tapi lagu-nya sekarang kalem-kalem gitu..... Dulu gak pernah menuangkan perasaan ke dalam Blog, kalo gak percaya baca blog-ku yang lama yang di Friendster, tapi sekarang bisa nulis di Blog panjang lebar kayak gini, buat cerita pengalamanku...

XXrejectedXX, meskipun kamu GAK pernah sekelas sama dia, tapi bisa dengan mudahnya attract dia(mu), tapi aku, meski PERNAH sekalas, tapi gak bisa buat dia suka sama aku, Salut buat kamu!!!!

XXrejectedXX, dia(mu) MUNGKIN bisa dengan mudah-nya bales sms-mu, tapi aku, seperti yang udah kamu baca. seperti katanya Click Five "And when she sees it's me On her caller ID She won't pick up the phone She'd rather be alone" dah gak usah dibicarain lagi masalah ini...

XXrejectedXX, ngapain sih lo pingin tau siapa anaknya?? lo juga gak bakalan bisa bantu kok.. Maaf ya, soalnya 2 orang yang tau siapa dia(ku) hanya temen-temen deketku yang ku-anggap bisa bantu aku... Mungkin pada saatnya nanati kamu bakal tau siapa dia(ku)... Jadi sekali lagi 'Let a Mystery be a Mystery'....

XXrejectedXX, ga ada cowo lain dalam kisah kalian, paling-paling cuman mantannya, yang notabene(ciehh, sok banget nih gue) gak se-kota dan gak pernah kontak lagi(bener gak?), sama adalagi seorang cowo yang katanya dah nembak dia 2x, tapi ditolak kan??? sedang aku... Ah.... Ruwet banget, It's Complicated..... You won't be able to understand the story....

XXrejectedXX, dia juga sering baca blog-mu, bisa tau perasaanmu, sedang dia(ku), mungkin gak pernah tau kalau tulisan resek macam gini yang ditulis dalam sebuah blog pernah eksis di Internet.... Which mean, she would never understand my feeling unless i told her....

XXrejectedXX, mau tau kenapa kok ketika kamu tanya aku 'Gimana perkembanganmu?' jawabannya selalu 'bad' itu karena aku sendiri juga sudah cukup sibuk dengan kehidupan sebagai anak IPA, dan sebagai siswa DEMPO, yang mengemban tugas banyak banget(makalah, ulangan, les, lomba, dll), dimana jarang banget bisa dapet kesempatan waktu luang yang PAS buat deketin dia..

XXrejectedXX, kalian masih bisa berhubungan sebagai temen dengan dengan baik, meskipun salah satu, atau keduanya tahu kalau suka... Sedang aku, Now is that she seems so far away.....

XXrejectedXX, mungkin kalo kalian ketemu di 'school corridor' kalian bisa dengan mudah saling menyapa satu sama lain, me?? Uff, menyapa-nya rasanya berat sekali, dan lagi she throw her face away from me...

XXrejectedXX, HTS??? itu kan jauh lebih baik dari-pada Hubungan Teman jauh Sekali.... Hehe....

XXrejectedXX, Akhirnya, sudahkah aku menjawab semua pertanyaanmu??? Peace Yo...

Keep the world smilings....
Peace yo!!!

ps: this blog is originally titled 'Different', but i found that this Limp Bizkit album title is going to be a better title....



By felix-v2002

Aku tak mengerti … apa yang kurasa,
Rindu yang tak pernah … begitu hebatnya
Aku mencintaimu lebih dari yang kau tahu …
Meski kau tak akan pernah tahu

Aku persembahkan … hidupku untukmu,
Telah kurelakan … hatiku padamu,
Namun kau masih bisu … diam seribu bahasa
Dan hati kecilku bicara …

Baru kusadari …
Cintaku bertepuk sebelah tangan
Kau buat remuk seluruh hatiku …

Semoga waktu akan mengilhami sisi hatimu yang beku,
Semoga akan datang keajaiban, hingga akhirnya kaupun mau
Aku mencintaimu
Lebih dari yang kau tahu …
Meski kau tak kan pernah tahu …


Just The Girl

By felix-v2002

First of all, let me ask for a permission from xxRejectedxx for copying this text from your blog. I just found it match with my story, permit me okay??? Thanks....

Here it is

Just The Girl

She's cold and she's cruel
But she knows what she's doin'
She pushed me in the pool
At our last school reunion
She laughs at my dreams
But I dream about her laughter
Strange as it seems
She's the one I'm after

Cause she's bittersweet
She knocks me off of my feet
And I can't help myself
I don't want anyone else
She's a mystery
She's too much for me
But I keep comin' back for more
She's just the girl I'm lookin' for

She can't keep a secret
For more than an hour
She runs on 100 proof attitude power
And the more she ignores me
The more I adore her
What can I do?
I'd do anything for her

Cause she's bittersweet
She knocks me off of my feet
And I can't help myself
I don't want anyone else
She's a mystery
She's too much for me
But I keep comin' back for more
She's just the girl I'm lookin' for

And when she sees it's me
On her caller ID
She won't pick up the phone
She'd rather be alone
But I can't give up just yet
Cause every word she's ever said
Is still ringin' in my head
Still ringin' in my head

She's cold and she's cruel
But she knows what she's doin'
Knows just what to say
So my whole day is ruined
Cause she's bittersweet
She knocks me off of my feet
And I can't help myself
I don't want anyone else
She's a mystery
She's too much for me
But I keep comin' back for more

Cause she's bittersweet
She knocks me off of my feet
And I can't help myself
I don't want anyone else
She's a mystery
She's too much for me
But I keep comin' back for more
Oh, I keep comin' back for more
She's just the girl I'm lookin' for
Just the girl I'm lookin' for
I'm lookin' for
I'm lookin' for
I'm lookin' for
Just the girl I'm lookin' for


Mungkin ini blog yang paling basi yang pernah kutulis, habis ga ada yang mau kuceritain disini.. Gak ada yang spesial beberapa hari ini.... Aku gak pernah ndeketin tuh cewe, selain lagi males, juga pulsaku abis... Ada yang mau beliin pulsa gak??? Hehe...

Terus mau cerita apa lagi nih??? Yang jelas sekarang dah mulai banyak ulangan, tadi fisika, besok matematika.. Duh..... Sekolah gak pernah mengasyikan...

Satu kesalahan terbesar selama akhir-akhir ini : Terlalu banyak mikirin cewe jadi skul gue gak keurus, gimana nih????

Kalau ditanya : 'Gimana perkembangan loe, sama cewe yang lo kejar?'
The answer would be like this : 'Bad, Buruk' with a single thumb down....

La mau gimana lagi? masih sibuk sama lomba juga habisnya minggu lalu, jadi gak sempat sms dia, sekarang setelah lombanya usai, pulsaku abis... Tidakkk...........

Lord help me....
Someone help me...


The Best Song Ever After

By felix-v2002

Proudly Present, My Favourite Song.
Suddenly remember this song.....
Lengkap sama chord-nya nih....

I Don't wanna miss a thing
        D           A                Bm           
I could stay awake just to hear you breathing
Watch you smile while you are sleeping
Em A
While you're far away and dreaming
D A Bm
I could spend my life in this sweet surrender
I could stay lost in this moment forever
Well, every moment spent with you
Is a moment I treasure

I don't wanna close my eyes
Em G
I don't wanna fall asleep
'Cause I'd miss you, babe
And I don't wanna miss a thing
'Cause even when I dream of you
Em G
The sweetest dream will never do
I'd still miss you, babe
And I don't wanna miss a thing

Lying close to you
A Bm
Feeling your heart beating
And I'm wondering what you're dreaming
Em A
Wondering if it's me you're seeing
D A Bm
Then I kiss your eyes and thank God we're together
And I just wanna stay with you
In this moment forever, forever and ever

I don't wanna close my eyes
I don't wanna fall asleep
'Cause I'd miss you, babe
And I don't wanna miss a thing
'Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
I'd still miss you, babe
And I don't wanna miss a thing

I don't wanna miss one smile
I don't wanna miss one kiss
Well, I just wanna be with you
Right here with you, just like this
I just wanna hold you close
Feel your heart so close to mine
And stay here in this moment
For all the rest of time

(Chorus) 2x

Don't wanna close my eyes
Em G
Don't wanna fall asleep, yeah
I don't wanna miss a thing


No Spirit

By felix-v2002

Since the last time I write this blog...
I have no spirit to live anymore...
Day after day seems to be another long day...
Nothing's special day after day...

How can i be in a good mood,
if my friend also in a bad mood,
We just thinking about our own problem
But we just keep it inside our deepest heart..

I found a hollow inside..
But I don't know what it is...
People is just like that
Sometimes feel hollow
Is it about a girl???
It looks like yes..

So why???

Yeah that girl is still taking distance from me
And yeah, it's my own fault..
I just never give her attention
I wanna say sorry for it...
I'm just to busy with my own life..

Filling day with reading a novel??
It's just a temporary happiness...

So this is me...
No spirit...
tirips oN...
Give me an answer.....
Give me an advice...

Come to my room right now...
It's dark...
Just like my feeling...

I should take a step to get her..
But this is me...
A man who do nothing for something....


Father Moore : Emily, can you hear me?
Emily Rose : [in Latin] I am the one who dwells within.
Father Moore : And I am the one who comes in His name.
Emily Rose :You think you can force me out, priest?
Emily Rose :Try.
Emily Rose :I dare you.
[Emily twitches robotically and falls to the ground]

Those word are taken from this movie, The Exorcism of Emily Rose, a film that based on a true story...

A, quite scary film, mixed with nice environtment, and a great storyline, makes this film one of the best in its genre...

Nice movie, yah meskipun agak menakutkan, tapi karena ini menampilkan kisah nyata maka apa yang dikatakan merupakan sebuah fakta, kalian akan mendengar beberapa fakta baru yang gak pernah kalian dengar sebelumnya....

Bagi yang belum nonton, This film are highly recommended....

Diambil dari kisah nyatanya si-Anneliese Michel yang di film ini disebut Emily Rose, cerita aslinya bisa kalian baca di Internet, cari aja di Google, pasti ada disana...


A message for a Friend

By felix-v2002

For my friend, dimanapun kamu membaca tulisan ini,
Kapanpun kamu membaca tulisan ini,
Tak peduli apakah kamu pernah membaca tulisan ini,
Seseorang yang marah padaku,
tak tahu apakah kamu masih marah padaku,
yang jelas aku pingin berkata....

Arti teman itu lebih dalam dari apapun,
Jika temanmu bersalah maafkanlah dia,
Jika temanmu menyebalkan ampunilah dia,
Jika kamu ada masalah, ceritakanlah..
Sebab temanmu pasti akan membantu-mu memecahkan masalahmu...

Teman adalah tempat membagi suka dan duka,
tempat berkeluh kesah,
Jika ada rasa marah, hilangkanlah..
Sebab teman bukanlah untuk memendam rasa marah...

I put my trust on you
Aku sudah cerita apapun yang kualami padamu,
dan itu memang komitmen-ku..
maka, jangan ragu untuk menceritakan masalahmu,
apapun itu, siapapun itu...
Rahasia seorang teman akan terjamin...

Jika memang bukan masalah yang ada padamu,
mungkin kamu marah padaku,
Maafkanlah aku, aku memang menyebalkan...
Tak ada gunanya marah pada teman...
Aku memang bukan seorang teman yang terbaik..
Tapi aku akan berusaha menjadi lebih baik.

Teman, berarti menerima apa adanya..

One more time, Forgive me,
orang yang telah membuat temannya kecewa....
Aku tahu, memaafkan lebih sulit daripada membuat orang marah..
But remember one thing : 'Forgiveness Causes Smiles'

Dan kalau ternyata,
bukan karena kamu marah,
Tapi karena sebuah masalah..
Ceritakanlah, masalah akan lebih ringan jika dipecahkan bersama-sama

Maafkan aku, kalau aku hanya bisa berkata lewat sebuah 'sampah' ini
Sebab, kamu sendiri juga nggak mau kalau di ajak omong belakangan ini...


Ok guys here is the hell:

Imagine yourself in a suck class, with 3 hours of mathematics, with soooo booorrinng teacher, and another hour filled with suck teacher and boring lesson as well.... Ohh nooo.......
Beside that, your mate, your friends, seems to be in the bad mood, or maybe angry to you with something you don't know what is happend to them, they just throw away their face from you, because of something you don't know why.... Uhh,,, Suck...
After that, you have to spent about 2 hours on the computer lab to do something you already bored to after doing it for a weeks.....
So much homeworks to do in the morning, and you choose to copy it from your friend, and guess what??? It's all about 6 pages of homeworks.... God.....
And about the girl you love, you just watching her and admiring her without doing something, you just want to say 'Hello' but she was with her friend, and you too, you're with your friends who still don't know who that girl is....
And when one of your friend ask? How is your progress with the girl you're chasing on?
And you just answered : 'Bad' and that's what really happend to you, you just do nothing on chasing that girl...

Oh, my what a suck day....

I Want to Break Free

(I want to break free)
(I want to break free)
I want to break free from your lies
You're so self satisfied I don't need you
I've want to break free
God knows, God knows I want to break free

I've fallen in love
I've fallen in love for the first time
And this time I know it's for real
I've fallen in love, yeah
God knows, God knows I've fallen in love

It's strange but it's true
I can't get over the way you love me like you do
But I have to be sure
When I walk out that door
Oh how I want to be free, baby
Oh how I want to break free,
Oh how I want to break free

But life still goes on
I can't get used to, living without, living without,
Living without you by my side
I don't want to live alone, hey
God knows, got to make it on my own
So baby can't you see
God knows, gods know, gods know
I've want to break free


Sometimes I,
feel too tired to continue this strugle
Want to end this soon
And surrender

Sometimes I,
feel so enthusiastic to fight this on
and do all the impossible thing
Make nothing is impossible

Sometimes I,
feel so sorrow
when heard a fact about you
a bad fact about you and other boy..

Sometimes I,
feel that life is so fair
God make a miracle to me
God fulfil my pray

Sometimes I,
feel like i'm a scaredy cat
Unable to face you
Freezed againts you

Sometimes I,
want to run away from you
who had spent a lot of my time
but i can't....

Sometimes I,
try to find another girl
but as you guessed,
i can't do it...


Untitled pt. 6

By felix-v2002

Welcome again....

Today, i got a scholarship from Shelton, well, after a so long waiting, the result is finally out.. Well, it's not a full scholarship anyway, so that i have to pay 11000S$, and that's make me more confuse, to choose between STTS or Shelton. But it's looks like that i'm going to take the STTS one, because, i love informatics...... Except that the scholarship is a full sholarship, i will consider about it more.... I don't know who is also get the scholarship, so far as i know, my bro, nico D didn't get it. I don't know why, but i'm sure that he need it most...

So, how about the KP4? if there's no change in the position, i would go to Bandung for the final for sure... But who knows, anything is still can happend...

Well, good luck there.. and keep on fighting Guys!!!!


Arghh... I had nothin' to do right now, i'm so tired right now, and i don't want to go to the bed right now, i'm still not sleepy, but i had nothing to do as well, so i decided to write this blog... this time in indonesian...

Wow, baru aja 5 dari 6 soal selesai kukerjakan, yang 4 sudah valid jawabannya, sedang yang ke-5 masih nunggu diperiksa.. Well, setelah application-ku ke NTU ditolak jelas konsentrasiku ke lomba KP4 ini, hadiahnya 3 juta men!!! tapi musuhnya berat-berat, macem St.louis, Kanisius, Hwa ind, etc, pokok'e sing ikut tuh sma keren-keren(included dempo) hehe.... Jadi kemungkinan menangnya nggak gede-gede amat gitu loh.... Tapi Tuhan pasti punya rencana untukku karena aku ditolak dari NTU, yang mana tanggal tes-nya sama dengan tanggal finalnya KP4, 11 Februari 2006.. Yah, moga2 aja KP4 nya lolos, masa dua-duanya nggak lolos??? Dan kalau lolos, pinginnya bukan hanya sekedar jadi penggembira aja, pengen menang!!!!!!!!

Well, aku juga pengen berterima kasih sama David aka q-ple yang udah ngomong 'Bedane arek dempo sama arek hwa ind, kalo arek dempo liat soal sulit sudah pesimis dulu, tapi kalo arek hwa ind tetep pede' Itulah kata2 yang membuat aku semangat untuk ngerjain ke-6 tugas/soal KP4 itu... Kalo nggak diomongin gitu, aku mungkin sekarang sudah nyerah dari KP4... THANX!!!!!!

Yeah, right now, i'm so proud to be a part of Dempo, gimana enggak, nama sekolahnya aja keren banget St.Albertus, iya gak??? Hehe.... Jadi i will fight for the name of Dempo in every competition i joined..

Udah setengah satu sekarang, tapi masih belum ngantuk juga, abisnya tadi ngerjain soal sambil minum kopi, ya jadinya nggak ngantuk-ngantuk... Payah nih...

Buat ian dkk, yang masih terus mencari sebuah jawaban, segera kirim jawaban yang ketiga-nya donk!!!! Nunggu apa lagi, dah nggak usah dipikir... ^^

Hore, besok minggu, eh sekarang sudah minggu ya????? berarti bisa rileks dari sekolah, gile banget nggak, mulai kemaren kamis tiap pulang sekolah sampe larut malem aku kerja soal lomba terus, kepala ini rasanya mau pecah, mana hari kamisnya kemaren push-up terus, abis kalah olahraga... sampe sekarang masih kerasa men!!!!

ya udah ah.... Bye2....


Finally : A little rest

By felix-v2002

Fiuhh, these last 3 days seems to be the 'extremely hard' day, yeah i was working hard to get the Kompetisi Pemrograman 4 task be done Day and Night i was working on it, after school till the late night... And i had done 5 of them, but i can't guarantee that all of them are the correct answer, the last task is the 'bonus' one, and yes, it's the hardest one, fiuhhhh.....

So, after done the 5 of them i would like to take a little rest, before doing the last task one, i'm so tired right now guys... -_- Tommorow would be a day without computer, oh man i'm bored of computer right now, so, hope that it would be a great success for me, and for our lovely school, the Dempo... Hehe....

See ya.... And Guud Nitez, my blog...


I would like to say a very great thanks to all the reader, Ian, Ully, Dika, the Anonymous, and all the readers who read without leaving comment....

Well, it's looks like that the 'mystery of someone' is going through day after day, i just wanna know why you guys wanna know that thing?? But that's ok, being curious is good.... ^^ And let me underline one important thing here "Real Life and Internet is Different, Never Talk about this blog outside the internet"

Well, tadi pulang skul langsung bikin soal lomba, sekarang sudah selesai 3 soal, tinggal nunggu diperiksa, moga2 bener ok!!!!!


2 of 6 done

By felix-v2002

Yeah, 2 dari 6 soal Kompetisi Pemrograman udah ku selesaikan malam ini, tinggal menunggu di-cek pak alvon dan di cek sama si panitia perlombannya...

Wish that it's correct....


Untitled pt. 5

By felix-v2002

Helo, welcome again...

Again, hari ini adalah hari yang berat juga, ini aja baru pulang dari sekolah, baru ngerjain soal buat lomba, tapi belum sempurna...

Geez, tadi aku telat masuk ke kelas waktu jam-nya Biologi, resek banget gak?? Aku gak boleh masuk kelas lagi, gara2 aku tadi ke WC dulu, mana di luar pada ditanyain sama guru2 yang lewat.... Tae banget tuh guru yang satu itu, FUCK WIWIK, FUCK FUCK SI WIWIK!!! <-kalo baca pake nadanya Fuck Martinez.... hehe....

Tapi ambil hikmahnya dong, meskipun cuma sebentar tapi tadi DIA sempat lihat aku dan tanya kenapa, meskipun mungkin hal ini adalah hal yang biasa, but that's ok....

Well, here it is another poem made by me:

Maafkan Aku Mencintaimu
by 'the v2002'

Maafkan aku mencintaimu...
Bila itu membuatmu membenciku
Bila itu membuatmu tersiksa
Bila itu menjijikan bagimu
Bila itu membosankan dan membuatmu malu

Maafkan aku mencintaimu...
Hanya itu yang bisa kuberi
Hanya itu yang bisa membuatku bahagia
Hanya itu yang bisa membuat hidupku lebih bermakna
Hanya itu yang akan selalu kulakukan

Maafkan aku mencintaimu...
Karna aku akan terus mencintaimu
Forever and ever...


Untitled pt. 4

By felix-v2002

Fiuhhh, hari ini adalah hari yang berat banget deh...

Seperti yang udah di tulis sebelumnya, I was a total loser today... Damn.....

Soal-soal lomba KP4 di UNPAR gak karuan jek.... Kalau boleh dibilang itu mungkin soal bagi mahasiswa, bahkan menurutku mahasiswa UNPAR sendiri ga bisa jawab soal itu, orang pak Alvon aja juga kewalahan kok, kalo pengen tahu contohnya bisa buka di http://kp.ikom-unpar.com sapa tahu ada dari kalian yang bisa bantu aku... Hehe...

Yah , tadi beberapa jam yang lalu si-Giuly kembali beraksi, kali ini ia yang minta diberi kesempatan, tapi kali ini tidak berjalan semulus biasanya, kasihan ya si-Giuly ini...

Oh ya, dari berita yang kuterima dari salah satu agen 'Intelejen-ku' katanya si-Dia tuh mau coba2 PMP aka Prenz makan Prenz, sama salah satu prenz-ku juga, ruwet ya bacanya?? Tapi biarlah, mungkin dengan sedikit ke-Jeniusan kalian, kalian bisa tahu maksud kalimat ini..

Dan buat si ANONYMOUS yang dah mau baca dan ngasih comment di Blog ini, thanks banget ya, kalo bisa ajak temen yang banyak buat baca blog ini, hehe.....


Call Me : 'a Loser!!'

By felix-v2002

Sudah beberapa hari ini gak ngisi blog, soalnya aku pengen kalian baca ceritaku yang kemaren itu, si-Giuly itu...
Pertayaannya : Kenapa sih kok gue ini 'cemen' banget alias 'loser' banget kalo ketemu sama dia???? Gile banget gak, tadi sebenernaya aku bisa omong-omongan sama dia, tapi apa yang dilakukan sama si LOSER ini?? Ia malah memalingkan muka, pura2 gak tau gitu... T*E banget gak????
Padahal si dia-nya kemaren dah ngasih kesempatan lagi sama aku, tapi aku yang terlalu LOSER itu tadi masalahnya..... Kalo gini kan bisa2 dia gak mau kasih kesempatan lagi....
Well, buat si 'dia' yang mungkin kebetulan baca tulisan ini, entah kapan, Maafkan Si'LOSER' ini ya...
Ada gak cara biar gak Loser waktu ketemu sama dia?????


The Golden Chance

By felix-v2002

Thanks to the God for his 'Miracle'...

Halo lagi, masih inget cerita tentang pemain berbakat yang gak pernah dikasih kesempatan main sama pelatihnya?? Ini lanjutannya...

Case 1a : Suatu saat pemain tersebut, anggap namanya adalah Giuly, kenapa saya pilih Giuly? karena waktu nulis ini saya lihat bola yang kovernya si-Giuly itu. Well, kembali ke cerita. Suatu saat dalam sebuah pertandingan yang mana hari itu adalah hari yang kelabu bagi Giuly, ia baru saja mendapat surat dari orang tuanya yang kecewa dengan apa yang dilakukan Giuly belakangan ini. Ia saat itu dipanggil oleh sang pelatih, dan diberikan kesempatan bermain, si-Giuly berpikir, pasti ada udang di balik batu dari keputusan pelatih itu. Sebab sebelum pertandingan sang pelatih juga mendekati Giuly, dan mengajaknya berbincang-bincang, sebuah hal yang jarang, bahkan tidak pernah terjadi sebelumnya, Kenapa pelatih yang semula bersikap dingin padanya tiba-tiba bersikap baik padanya???

Case 1b : Segera saja Giuly tidak menyia-nyiakan peluang untuk bermain itu, sambil mengingat-ingat tips yang diberikan rekan setimnya ia bermain dengan cukup baik, namun sayang ketika sebuah 'kesempatan emas' untuk mencetak gol datang ia malahan memilih untuk mendribel bola dengan malas untuk melewati sang kiper, karena ia merasa sudah cukup dengan bermain cemerlang. Tapi itu adalah kesalahan yang fatal baginya, gol akhirnya gagal tercipta...

Case 2 : Sekarang giuly sedang menulis blog ini, menyesali kesalahannya sebagai manusia bodoh, dan ia menunggu kesempatan lain untuk datang...

Well, guys what do you think?? comment please.... Terserah mau comment yang case berapa... Sebelumnya thanks dulu ya...
ps. ini adalah gambaran yang terjadi pada hari sabtu, 7 Januari 2006. Untuk ian dan dika yang pengen tau, inilah salah satu clue yang bisa kuberikan, Maaf kalau terlalu sulit ya.....
Live life to the fullest


It's all about today

By felix-v2002

Hari ini, 6 januari 2006. Ke sekolah seperti biasanya, tapi hari ini pulang jam ke-3. Weekss.. tadi pagi aku berpa-pasan sama dia, tapi nggak satu pun nyapa. Mau nyapa gimana, orang sms ku gak dibales kok???

Pelajaran dimulai, it's seems so loooongggg.... Especially jam ke-1 dan 2. tapi jam ke-3 kayak gak ada aja, soalnya jamnya pak TRI..... hehe.. Maafkan daku pak.... :)

Waktu istirahat, aku curhat kecil-kecilan lagi, biasa... And did you know, my prenz also sms her, but got no reply as well... Yah jadi agak lega, meskipun masih agak dongkol juga nih hatiku....

Pulang skulz, belajar cara pake Free Pascal buat lomba, cuma sebentar kok... Trus pulangnya makan di AE, trus ke kos-e Topher, pinjem cd lagu.. Oh ya, tadi sempat dikasih tau klara kalo diajak edward ke eskimo, tapi aku gak isa... Kalo edward baca tulisan ini, sorry ya..... Peace yo....

and wow, besok rapot-an jek. Rapotku elek paling, lha mau gimana lagi, aku gak niat sama sekali di semester 1 tuh... hehe....

Well, maybe that's all for today, the another boring day..... Geez...


Untitled pt. 3

By felix-v2002

Hello again, i'm writing this blog while waiting for an sms reply. Well it's been 15 minutes waiting... Geez...

So guys, what do you think if a talented football player never given an opportunities to play by his coach? Like this

That's what actually happend on me. Well of course i'm not a football player, but that's an illustration..

Yeah, she never give me an opportunities as well. So can anybody help me with this problem?
Well, a friend of mine suggest me to visit her at her house. Oh god... That was the craziest thing i ever heard. That friend also said, that she is now quite happy with her life, and never think about a boy or even a boyfriend.. Oh no....

Well, if it's like that than she would at least reply my sms, or say sorry at school, but guess what? She do none of them.

Yeah, it is a problem, but that doesn't meant that i won't enjoy my life just because of that problem. Oh c'mon man, there's still a lot of more beautiful and better girl than her out there... Yeah you may say something like that, but forgetting her isn't that easy man...

Yeah, congrats, it's been 30mints waiting for nothing now... Damn...

Well, i had nothin' to say anymore.. See yaa.....


Live Life To The Fullest

By felix-v2002

Live Life To The Fullest

Each day is precious and so full of wonderful possibilities. Do not waste your day by worrying about your problems. Leave all your worries behind. Fill your life with peace and serenity. Enjoy the simple pleasures in this complex world. Happiness lies within you

Hiduplah dengan sepenuhnya

Setiap hari adalah saat yang berharga dan penuh dengan kemungkinan terjadinya keajaiban. Jangan habiskan hidupmu dengan menguatirkan segala masalahmu. Tinggalkan segala kekuatiranmu. Lebih baik hidup dengan kedamaian dan ketentraman. Nikmatilah kesenangan yang sederhana dalam dunia yang kompleks ini. Maka kesenangan akan menjadi milikmu.
Well, kata-kata yang indah bukan? Rupanya inilah kesalahanku dan mungkin kesalahan kita selama ini, kita hanya memikirkan masalah kita tanpa merasakan indahnya hidup, kata-kata itu aku dapet waktu lagi iseng-iseng baca kalender setelah pulang sekolah.

Yah tadi di sekolah pulangnya jam 12.00 siang amat kan??? Rasanya pengen ketemu romo dan berteriak "Romo, OPEN YOUR EYES", masa romo gak peka sama muridnya. Bosen tuh sekolah... Dan lagian tadi abis pulang sekolah disuruh kumpul sama pak alvon buat bicarain masalah lomba di Bandung. jadi lo lombanya... Team-ku pake nama DEFCON, gak tahu apa boleh pake nama itu, tapi kan belum dipatenkan??? Emang gue pikirin...

Tadi pagi juga aku curhat kecil-kecil'an, it's all about love, en katanya peluangku berat lho... En so what gitu lho? I love challange.... So start from now, it would like my journey would be harder. But when i think about my problem, i would read that statements above.....


Let's Make a Plan

By felix-v2002

Huff, hard to write this, but here i am, in the last day of our holiday. It's hard to imagine that tommorow i won't be able to enjoying writing blog in my room accompanied with my winamp and my 'gift old' guitar at morning after waking up so late, and after watching some cartoon on TV, phew. Tommorow, at this time i would be at school, meet with our suck teacher, and listening to what they say... Huff.. But one thing for sure, and this is the only good part of being in school : Meet her!!!!!! man.....

So, this time is also the time to make a plan for this 2006...

So, why don't this time a write in Indonesian? Ok...

1. Rencana Umum
Rencanaku secara umum selama 2006 ini sudah jelas banget : 'To be a better man', menjadi Felix yang lebih baik dari yang ada selama 2005 dan selama ini, okay??

2. Rencana Spesifik

a. Sekolah
Tidakah hal ini sangat jelas? Belajar lebih giat, mendapat nilai yang baik, dan berusaha keras dalam ujian akhir supaya bisa dapet nilai danem yang baik, dan kalau bisa, dengan bantuan Tuhan yang pasti, dan bukannya bermaksud sombong : Mendapat nilai 10 dalam UAN Bahasa Inggris, Amin....

b. Prestasi
Hmm, diawal tahun 2006 yang pasti sudah ada 2 lomba yang siap untuk diikuti : Lomba Informatika di UNPAR dan Informatic Rally Games yang diadain Petra, tapi untuk lomba yang pertama rasanya tidak akan jadi diikuti, sebab lomba tersebut memakai compiler Free Pascal yang bahkan aku nggak tahu cara makainya, dan disamping itu, sang guru pendamping, pak alvon, juga kurang serius menanggapi lomba itu, jadi kenapa aku nggak serius ke Informatic Games-nya Petra aja? Yang pasti itu akan jadi lomba yang berat..

c. Musik
Yang pasti aku akan lebih giat belajar main gitar di 2006, masa gak bisa2 main gitar sih? Sampai saat ini aku masih hanya bisa main genjreng-genjreng tapi gak bisa main yang namanya melodi. Jadi, moga-moga di tahun 2006 ini aku bisa mengembangkan permainanku lebih lanjut.. Disamping itu main drum, udah setahun ini aku jarang banget megang stik drum, jadi moga-moga aku bisa main drum lagi, dan bisa bermain dengan lebih baik lagi...

d. SIM
Haha, tahu gak kalo selama ini aku nyetir mobil tuh masih belum punya sim.. Jadi, yang pasti dalam waktu dekat rencana ini harus direalisasikan ok??

e. Lifestyle
Boleh dikatakan selama 2005 kemaren, hidupku berantakan baget, apalagi selama 6 bulan kedua di 2005, jadi selama 2006 ini aku akan berusaha menatanya dengan baik dan rapi, biar nggak berantakan kaya kemaren....

f. Les Inggris
Waduh... Dah bosen banget nih, mau nulis aja dah mual-mual.. Hoekk... Selama ini les inggris-ku ngambil yang paket 100 jam, jadi moga2 di 2006 ini 100 jam tersebut bisa cepet selesai, dah eneg banget nih sama yang namanya les inggris tuh...

g. My Class
Well, selama ini aku masih belum bisa terlalu akrab dengan kelas ini, kalo akrab paling-paling cuman sama bekas anak-anak ASS, jadi moga2 aku bisa lebih akrab dengan anak-anak yang lain....

h. Sepak Bola
Yipee... 2006 tuh kan berarti piala dunia di Jerman, kalo mau nonton langsung rasanya dah gak mungkin banget deh, tapi yang pasti aku akan terus mendukung Inggris.. Go England!!!!!!!! Dan Inter saat ini tertinggal 8 angka dari Juventus, moga2 inter bisa membuat cerita kepahlawanan yang bagus dengan mengejar Juventus dan merebut gelar juara...

i. My Computer
Dah lama banget, aku pingin upgrade VGA card, tapi ini bukan rencana wajib, kalo bisa terlaksana ya syukur, tapi kalo gak, ya mau diapain lagi?? Yang kedua aku pingin beli TV Tuner, masa kalo mo nonton sepakbola malem2 harus keluar dari kamar? Kan lebih enak kalo di kamar?? Lagian bisa direkam kan asik tuh!!!

j. Apa lagi ya??? Oh ya... Makalah
Ini rencana dalam jangka pendek, makalah harus segera selesai, mau gak mau...

k. Hacking eh Cracking
Ini nih rencana dari kecil yang sampai saat ini belum terlaksana, moga2 aku bisa melakukan yang namanya Hacking eh Cracking, sasaran utama-ku adalah server dempokita, kan enak bisa ngganti2 nilai ulangan?? Gwaahahahaa.... <-senyum licik

l. Ipod
Huff, kapan ya aku bisa beli ipod??? Masa terus-terusan pake mp3 online yang cuman 128mb, yang mana dah dibikin renyek sama temenku??

m. My Dog
Selama 2005 kemaren aku jarang banget ngasih perhatian sama anjingku yang baru, kasihan banget gak seh? jadi semoga di 2006 ini aku bisa lebih perhatian sama anjingku si Bruno itu.. Hehe....

n. REVENGE!!!!!!
Balas dendam, tapi hal yang baik dong, selama 2005 kemaren aku sering banget diremehin dalam kerja pr, dan juga dalam pelajaran2 eksak, aku berjanji akan lebih serius lagi, supaya dia yang selama ini ngremehin aku bisa diem dan menangis dalam tidurnya.. Gwahahahaha..... Kejem banget gak sih?? harus dong...

o. My Website
Pernah liat website-ku? Garing banget gak seh, masa gak ada isinya, so in this 2006, websiteku akan jadi lebih baik...

p. Naruto!!!!
Sudah hampir 5 bulan gak update film naruto, jadi moga2 bisa dapet naruto edisi baru diawal 2006 ini..

q. Comic
Yah, aku akan terus mengkoleksi komik-komik semacam Fight!! Ippo (Originally Hajime no Ippo) dan 20th century boys, those are awesome comics!!!

l. Lebih terbuka
Loh kok l lagi, bukannya r, aku kan gak bisa ngomong r coy.... Hehe =p. Kalau kalian lihat aku, mungkin kalian akan berpikir bahwa aku ini orangnya tertutup banget, masa yang tahu anak yang gue taksir cuman ada 2 orang, However, it's my own policy, itu kan kebijakan pribadiku. Tapi aku janji aku akan berusaha lebih terbuka lagi dengan kalian... Peace yo!!! Keep smiling guys...

s. Bikin Game
Ini dia, sebenernya tahun 2005 kemaren dah bisa bikin game, cuman kesulitanku satu: ga ada yang mau bikin ceritanya, cerita yang dibikin ian cukup bagus, tapi ketika aku suruh bikin lebih detail, ian gak jadi-jadi terus, jadinya ya menggantung terus sampai sekarang... jadi semoga di 2006 ini game itu bisa segera jadi...

3. Rencana Utama

a. JC I Need You...
Well, selama 2005 kemaren Tuhan dah banyak banget nge-bantu aku, tapi rasa syukurku pada Tuhan aku rasa masih sangat minim, jadi semoga aku bisa lebih mensyukuri anugrah Tuhan, lebih dekat pada Tuhan, dan meskipun aku hanya bagian kecil dari dunia aku ingin seluruh dunia juga mengikuti rencanaku ini, lebih dekat pada Tuhan YME, Kita manusia sudah terlalu jauh dari Tuhan.... Ehm.. Ehem..

Ini dia yang paling ditunggu-tunggu, yeah i'm so excited about this thing. Jadi, sekali lagi maafkan kalo saya menulisnya dalam bahasa inggris.
Here it is......

Loh Kok Patrick? Woi Patrick pergi loe....
Maaf ada gangguan teknis....

If you had read my blog, "My '2005' Reflection' you would know how's my love story goes, it was bad at first, but it was quite good at the end. And even if i may tell you, before this 2005, what i've been done so long is just waiting for 'God Send' girl but i was totally wrong. So in this 2006, i would try to be a 'better man' for her, gave her more attention, coz after this we won't be at the same school again, even though we still on the same city. The first step had done at the end of the year, so starting from this day on, i would try to get closer more and more to her, and i would make her have the same feeling for me too, even this is the hardest plan i ever made. But i don't wanna be lonely no more man... And that plan won't work without some help of my lord, so i would pray as well. 2006 is the last year i can get closer to her and it is the best and my last oppurtunities, so my quote is : 'Do it or Not, Now or Never' And for some realistic target and plan in this 2006, this is my '6 MASTER PLAN':
> Give her more attention
> SMS her more and more...
> I promise i won't acting cool to her anymore...
> I would like to respect her and care her...
> Hard to do but i must do it, Call her...
> I don't know if i would be able to do this or not : 'Express my feeling'...

That's all my plan for the whole 2006, jadi kapan rencana itu dimulai man?? ya sekarang dong, emangnya mau tunggu kapan lagi??
So, let's start be a 'Better Man'...


My '2005' Reflection

By felix-v2002

Okay guys, here is my reflection during the previous year, categorized...
First I would like to say sorry for wasting your time by reading this reflection of mine.
btw, why is this spongebob here? I don't know i just want to make some joke with this spongebob, hehe.. Enjoy it...

1. School Achievement
First half (means January-June)
Nothing so special here, my school report is as normal as always, no progress made, even i serious in study at the last month. But it doesn't affect the report. Geez...
Second half (means July-December)
Well, it was totally shattered, i was so lazy, so many things to be thinked so that my test result was very bad, maybe the worst in my life. I think it was because i underestimated it...

2. Computer
First half
I joined the KIR Computer at school, and yeah i'm the only one from the 2nd grade, the others are from 1st grade. Oh my, and here come my biggest dissapointment: I was failed in the Olimpiad selection for the second time. If i'm not mistaken i was 10th in Malang.
Second half
Well, i was on the 3rd grade, means no more KIR Computer. I made a nice achievment here : I won as the third runner-ups(means 6 champ) at the Informatic Games hosted by STTS (One of the higher education i'm about to join to), Not to be arrogant here, but i could said that i competed alone, my partner is not a help for me... And because of that competition i missed the Dempo Fair...

3. ExtraCurricular Achievment
First half
I won the English Competition held by Unibraw as the 1st champion, and thanks to the God, i received 1 million as a prize, but i donate some of them to the school, and my friend Devina aka nono won the 3rd place. woow, a big victory for st. Albertus aka Dempo from Hwa Ind. Hehe....
I also won the scrabble competition held at the school during the Class meeting period, i was with nono here. No cash here, but the class pride here, and believe it or not, i won this to fulfil my promise with someone.. =p
Second half
As described above, i won the Informatic Games as the third runner ups. No more Achievment here, because that was the only competition in the second half.. Not a bad result anyway, because i can get a free stts registration form, even though i missed the Demop fair.
Oh yeah, can i include the Dempo fair as a extracurricular achievment, i was on the equipment teams, but she(secret) dissapointed me, as she didn't remembered me there.

4. Band
First half
I joined Dempo's Band Extracurricular. Nothing so special here, it was a bad band i have there. We were the worst one among 3 bands, geez....
In this first half, i joined yudi's band as well, together with yeski and mordekhai, and my fisdic's band ended here, because one's of our personel choose to left the band.
Second half
No more Dempo's band. Band became so rarely here. We were only training before the Dempo fair, and guess what? we failed in the dempo fair audition. But we also made a show at the 'Fashion Show'a part of the Dempo fair celebration event. But our performance there were so bad, because we were only given some accoustic equipment. And did you know that my performance there was watched by her(secret)...

5. Economy
hehe why should i included this part? I don't know, i just lack of idea here.
First half
Well of course it was fine after receiving prize from English Competition.
Second half
Nothing so special here.... Everything worked fine.

6. Friendship
First half
Everything well done here, being at one of the best class ever(2a2), it can be said that i had make a good relationship with the whole class.
Second half
Being at the new class seemed to be a 'little shock' for me, yeah, and it was a big dissapointment, that our proposal to be in the same class again was rejected by the 'fck'headmaster. Seemed that this class isn't as good as my previous class, but maybe it just my feeling, i would try to make a better relationship in this 2006.

7. Higher Education
First half
All i think here is only about how to get through the 3rd grade, i still hadn't decided my next education would be.
Second half
I was so confused here, where should i continue my education, and i finally decided to take the stts, after being received in petra as well. And i also try the Nanyang Technological University and Shelton, but the result is still hadn't announced yet till the December.

8. Hobbies
First half
What i do here is just collecting comics, playing games, etc. And I'm so addicted to my N-Gage here...
Second half
Seemed to be the same with the first half

9. Life
First half
It's quite interesting, so many activities and so less problem here, it was a totally fun here. I was so happy almost everyday, hehe....
Second half
Well, totally different from the first half, It was a big boring, so many problems such as: Almost everyday test, the final task:Makalah, which is still not done yet. I was so stressed here, day after day seemed soooo looonggg... here.

The Last one, The 'special' part one...

10. Love
So much to be written here, but i wouldn't told you the detail, it can be a very long blog, and you wouldn't read it if it's to long won't you?
First half
Well, just like as what xxRejectedxx commented on my previous blog, my hearts is 'being caputured' to someone. And here comes my biggest dissapointment here: I do nothing, even i was in the same class with her(I know that sometimes, she would read this blog for sure, and that was the time she knows how deep my love is, chieehh......) All i done is just acting weird in front of her, whereas i want to act cool, but to attract girl is not acting cool, but to give attention(trust me) and that's what my mistakes come, where a opportunities comes, i do nothing with it... And how she acted to me was also like that, sometimes she were so kind, sometimes she were so 'throw her face away' from me, oh damn. So take this as a lesson guys, Don't try to act cool in front of the girl, but give her some attention..
Second half
I became more sure that i love her. But what, we are not in the same class again, it would be a hard to go man. Anyway, here i gave her some attention by sms her, but she was rarely replyed it. And for the first time, i let one of my friends know who that girl is. And in the last day of the years another one of my friends knowed it as well, I don't want to tell any other people again, coz what? I don't want to failed here again man... And as my previous blog said, i had done a big mission(for me it's a big mission, don't know what you guys think) in the last day. Here, i still acting weird when i met her, don't know why, man is always like that, unable to control himself, when met a girl he loved. And once i was so down here, when i read yauwana, some other boy gave her a message, but me, DO NOTHING.....

phew., that's all my reflection for the whole 2005, hope that i can do much more better in the 2006....
ps : This blog was written on 2nd January 2006 10.00pm-11.00pm as my night reflection...


THe first mission is already accomplihed, if i should rate it i would give 4/5. It's not a perfect mission anyway..

(by Simple Plan)
Cos we lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I'm sorry
I can't be perfect
Now it's just too late and
We can't go back
I'm sorry
I can't be perfect

It's not really match with my case anyway, but it's quite match lyric. Guys, i would do the second mission in the short future, this is my short future plan in this very begining of the 2006. Hope that it will be as success as the first mission did.

Okay, kemaren aku capek banget, jadi blog-nya gak bisa panjang-panjang, pokoknya aku dah ngasih tau kalian, kira-kira bagaimana perjuanganku, dan aku nggak bakal ngasih tau lebih lanjut lagi, karena blog ini bisa aja dibaca oleh semua orang diseluruh penjuru dunia kan?? Terlalu riskan gitu loh... Mungkin kalo kalian bener-bener pengen tau, bisa tanya lewat e-mail aja ok???
Yup, kemaren seharian penuh abis pulang dari batu aku langsung tidur, bayangin aja masa tidur malem jam 5 pagi, kan gak lucu tuh, abis itu tidur gak bisa nyenyak, diganggu terus.. Hix.. Hix... Hix....
Dan kalo mau tau lagi, beberapa hari ini nih, aku suka banget ama lagunya Robie Williams, yang judulnya 'Better Man', mantab abis coy.....
Okay, segini dulu aja hari ini, see yaa later.

Better Man (Robie Williams)

Verse 1:

Send some-one to love_me_ I need_to rest_ in arms_
Keep me safe from harm_ in pour-ing rain__
Give me end-less sum_mer_ Lord, I fear the cold_
Feel I'm get-ting old_ be-fore my time_


As my soul__ heals the shame__
I-will grow__ through this pain__
Lord, I'm do-ing_ all I can_
To be a bet-ter man

Verse 2:

Go ea-sy on my con_science_ 'cause it's not_ my fault_
I know I've_ been taught_ to take_the blame__
Rest as-sured my an_gels__ will catch_ my tears_
Walk me out of here_ I'm in pain__


As my soul___ heals_the shame__
I-will grow__ through this pain__
Lord, I'm do in'_ all I can_
To be a bet-ter man


Once you've found that lov-er you're home-ward bound_
Love is all_ a-round_ love is all_ a-round_
I know some have fall-en on ston-y ground_
But love is all_ a-round___

Verse 1:

Send some-one to love_me_ I need_to rest_ in arms_
Keep me safe from harm_ in pour-ing rain__
Give me end-less sum_mer_ Lord, I fear the cold_
Feel I'm get-ting old_ be-fore my time_


As my soul___ heals_the shame__
I-will grow__ through this pain__
Lord, I'm do in'_ all I can_
To be a bet-ter man

ps: The Next Mission, i still can't tell you when i would do it....


Mission : Accomplished

By felix-v2002

Oh Man, i can't believe it! My Mission is accomplished. And can you believe since 11.00 pm i still haven't decided it yet. But finally i had done it, the NYbP(If you read my previous blog maybe you would know what i mean). phew...

And Thanks to GOD, it run smoothly.. YES!!!!