Well, it's nice to know that the christmas is just a few days again.
We do always hope for something better, a forgiveness for all of our sin we made, and a brand new better life. Well me too, i was hoping for something good this christmas, i hate to suffer like this, so let's just hope God will hear my 'christmas wish'...

I'm expecting that this christmas would be the best christmas ever... I do still believe in santa claus, but i didn't wish for a present like what a kid does who hope to get some toys from the santa claus, i just want santa claus to stop all of my pain i'm suffering right now.. So, santa itself dont have to appear right in front of me isn't it?? hehehe...
I believe.. I believe... and I believe... That's all i do...

I know that God has something good for me, even if everyday is rain, someday there will be a beautiful rainbow appear isn't it?? So that's it, even it's like this now, someday (i believe) that God has something good for me... Hehehehe...

Just wait and see....