why do woman is always hard to understand??? Hmm, that's a question that will always last on man minds.. All girls, for you to know, we, boys, are always wondering why does it is always hard to understand what you want... Sometimes you say no for yes, and you say yes for no...

What a girl say is sometimes different with what on their mind and even more different with what they do.. They say no, and then confused about it, think about it for a few days, get so depressed, but in fact they are enjoying doing the "yes" thing, and still say no whether in fact they are sayin' and doin' yes....

Well, a girl who read this post will say "no felix, you are wrong, we are not like that" but if you asked for about a million boys, they will say yes... and again, it's a proof that you are hard to understand..

So, why do a girl is hard to understand???
I think, they are like to hide the truth, they want to be misterious, hiding things from boys... They want to make the boys keep on living in confuseness and live in doubtfulness.... But for you girls to know, we don't like to be confused.... We prefer you say yes for yes, and say no for no instead of saying yes for no...

Yeah, girls, you dunno how does the boys feel ya know... But, we can't do nothing, all that the boys can do is just make a song, just like the ada band (karena wanita SULIT DIMENGERTI, i prefer to change it like that hehehe....) or make an article like this...

We always hope for a consistency from a girl, and an understandable girl, if they want to be understand by a boy...