Untitled pt. 2
Hello again, i'm writing a blog for the third time in a days. Don't know why, maybe it's because of so many problems lately. And this blog, is the only way to share my problems with, even this blog never answer my problem. But i like it, wishing that the person i meaned in this blog read this 'lame' blog. Hehe....
Well, in this afternoon a friend of mine invite me to his BBQ party, but it was raining out there, so i can't come, and writing this blog of course...
And, suddenly i changed my mind on send someone a sms, yeah, you know man beacome a 'scaredy cat' when talking about girl, =p. Talking about girl, my friend asked for my help, he asked me to show some testimonial on that 'world-virus friendster'.
Today, me and my friends had reserved a hotel in Orchid for the new year party, well, it's quite expensive, but it's one of the cheapest. Hopefuly it would be a great fun.
And yeah, i still don't know what decision should i take on the next new year yet, should i do it or not to do it.
ps:This one is also about that girl
Last but not least, HAPPY NEW YEAR, may all of us have a nice year....
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