//real friends understand
Happy Valentine Day...

Blog and Dualism

By felix-v2002

Huff, sudah lama aku gak nulis blog ya??? Sebenernya aku mulai berpikir, kenapa kok bikin diary aja susah banget, mana harus keluar duit lagi buat ke internet.... Kenapa??? Tapi emang blog tuh ada untungnya, orang lain bisa ngasih pendapat, tapi ya itu tadi, kenapa kok harus ke internet??? Kalo mao bikin diary, ahh.... dah basi tuh, dah gak jamannya lagi, mana tulisanku jelek, siapa ntar yang bisa baca??? Trus kenapa kok salah satu sekolah SMA favorit di kota Malang, didalamnya hanya segelintir orang yang melek internet dalam hal ini adalah blog, mereka tuh cuman internet buat seneng-senengan doang... Yang aku tahu anak yang punya blog di sekolah gue nggak sampe 10 orang tuh!! Kenapa hayo????

Aku juga lagi binggung kenapa di dunia ada dualisme macem kayak gini:
1. Be Yourself - Jadilah diri sendiri supaya disuka'i orang lain... Orang lain suka apa adanya
2. Berubahlah - Maka orang lain akan suka sama kamu
Terus mana yang bener???? Kita ini harus berubah ato jadi diri sendiri??? Repot kan???? sama, saya juga repot mikirin hal-hal kayak gitu... mana yang bener??? terserah pendapat anda!!! Mungkin itu yang paling bener ya gak???



By felix-v2002

Hey dude, i just came home from my bro's house. He need me to fixed up something. And during the way going there, i sms her, and this time she replyed it..

Yeah even it's still a very short answer, but i want to say THANKS!!!!

After this, i'm going to watch Eurotrip for the third time, if i'm not lazy ^^ And that's awesome movie..


Wow, i can't believe this. Recently i was thinking of other girl, that never in my mind before.... I was thinking of giving up chasing this girl and try with another girl...

But i guess that just a thought because of i frustrated. Imagine, with this girl, she RARELY responded me, but the other girl, she would respond me more, beside that, she is more interesting girl...

I've never thinking of giving up so easily like this, and i can't believe that i would ever think of something like that... So for those who read this blog, it's nothing than just a piece of crappy shit.... Never think about this okey??? I, myself would never think about this as well, this just a personal temporary thought...

Okey, another topic. Sebentar lagi nih mo pergi les inggris, tapi dah muales banget nih, mana besok ada ul fisika, jadi enek aku... Dan diluar udah mendung gelap banget, kayaknya tinggal nunggu jatuh aja....

Makalahku, dah selesai bab 4 tinggal nunggu diperiksa pak andri, katanya besok selesai.... Dunno...


Memories of 2A2(ASS)

By felix-v2002

Hari ini, ketika blog ini ditulis, Sabtu 18 Februari, aku ada rapat year book di kelas yang dah gak dipake lagi, didepannya ruang yauwana, yang mana kelas itu dulu adalah kelasku waktu kelas 2. Terus terang waktu masuk ke kelas ini aku langsung teringat semua pengalamanku dikelas ini, baik pengalaman yang gila, yang blo'on, yang keren, ataupun tentang 'dia'.

Yang aku jelas inget pertama kali, ketika masuk ke kelas ini sepi, sebab banyak anak yang keluar buat nge-MOS anak kelas satu. Jadi waktu itu aku pikir kelas ini pasti bakalan seru kalo anak-anaknya dah ngumpul semua. Pertama kali aku duduk sama Marcel, aku masih inget betul waktu itu. Lalu nggak berapa lama masuklah seorang guru perempuan yang berkacamata, yeah... she is Bu Emi(gimana nulisnya yah??? lupa aku ^^)

Beberapa hari berikutnya setelah semua anak masuk aku mengamati anak-anak yang ada satu persatu, memang sudah kerasa gile-nya meskipun belum seberapa, dan aku sama sekali gak ada rasa sama 'dia' waktu itu... Pelajaran berjalan sangat menyenangkan, mau gak menyenangkan gimana, orang belum ada ulangan kan....

Kalau mau dibilang, kelas ini adalah kelas terbaik yang pernah kumiliki, selang beberapa waktu kami sudah mulai kenal satu sama lain, yang mana kuakui banyak sekali pribadi-pribadi menarik di kelas ini, ada yang puinter bukan main, ada yang kayak engkong-engkong, ada yang rame banget, ada yang super pendiam yang gak berapa lama sebelum kelas kami dipecah anak ini jadi rame.. ada yang dari kepanjen, ada yang mukenya penuh kukul. de el el... tapi yang jelas hal-hal itu gak jadi penghalang bagi kami untuk kompak... Kelas ini yah meskipun pada awalnya disebut sebagai kelas yang 'kompak diluar aja tapi dalemnya gak kompak' tapi lama-kelamaan kami mulai menyatu satu-sama lain....

Mereka ini adalah anak2 yang gila banget, sampe-sampe mbikin yang namanya ASS (A2 Science Society)... Meskipun mereka anaknya pinter2, tapi jangan salah, kalau yang namanya contek-mencontek masih buanyak sekali disini, bahkan hampir setiap orang mencontek... Iya gak???

Oke, lama kelamaan gak tau kenapa aku mulai suka sama dia, tapi saat itu sukanya yah... belum suka banget, karena saat itu aku masih mikir menggunakan Logika, hal yang nggak seharusnya dilakukan... Sampai saat ini aku juga masih belum tau kenapa aku bisa suka... But i found that she is interesting... dan hubungan kita sebagai temen saat itu masih baik baik saja, gak seperti saat ini... Waktu di kelas 2 ini gak ada yang tahu kalau aku suka sama dia.. Yeah, there are one 'special moment' yang gak bakal kuceritain disini yang bikin aku bener-bener suka sama dia.

Kelas ini hawanya puannasssss banget mungkin karena deket sama jalan dempo yang full aspal... Kelas ini anak-anaknya bisa bergaul satu sama lain dengan cukup baik... Sempet ada rencana kelas ini mo pasang AC, tapi gak jadi... Kelas ini juga rame dengan suaranya bang paul sama burung'e romo... sing teriak-teriak terus...

Lalu ada yang namanya retret di wisma shanti yang cukup berkesan, tapi gak ada 'special moment' disana sebab aku juga gak mau tuh.... Cuma ada yang nangis-nangis di sana waktu sharing, she said that she didn't get enough support, but later everybody support her...

Dan kelas ini sering banget kerja-kerja buat lomba bareng di rumah'e Gladys, entah itu bikin mading, bikin hiasan kelas, de el el... dan kelas ini sering menang kalo lomba lomba d skulz, bahkan lomba2 lain di luar skulz..

Hal gila yang lain, hampir setiap pagi rambutku selalu disisir sama romo, karena aku pake jelly, tapi waktu itu kan belum di larang, mungkin sampe pegelnya romo sampe bikin peringatan waktu upacara..

Kelas 2 ini ditutup dengan sebuah perpisahan di Tretes, yang diikuti oleh semua anggota kelas, coz bu emmy gak mau kalau ada yang gak ikut, nah ini dia kisah gilanya.. Sebelum berangkat kita beli vodka aka 'Mansion House' dulu dek tokone ridwan... Tapi sebelumnya aku sama marcel dah beli San Miguel.. Jadi disana minum 2 kali, nih hal interestingnya, 'someone' caught me drink there.... Hehehe.... Terus ada juga kejadian makan jagung yang kalo gak salah sampe 300 batang jagung... Hoekzzzz.. Terus juga renang di klub house.... Terus disini aku tahu kalo bahwa anak-anak disini lebih gila dari yang kubayangkan!!! You Rock Dude!!!

So, that's all some of my memories of 2a2 yang masih banyak hal menarik lain yang gak bakal cukup diceritain disini, mungkin nanti kalau ada waktu lagi baru cerita... anyway, I MISS YOU ALL GUYS!!!!!!!!!, KEEP THE KIASU SPIRIT ON YOU!!!!!!!



By felix-v2002

I don't want to go to school 2day, but i go. I wish that all of the lesson ended ASAP i was so lazy 2day.

I dunno why, but i guess it's b'coz of last nite. Last nite as usual, got no reply (T.T)

today we got a meeting for the year book, the works will start ön monday.

Today, i read a novel which is originally a diary. That inspire me to write this blog.

Bye, my blog...



By felix-v2002

Football and the small screen have been a match made in heaven. The same cannot be said about the silver screen. Never has a soccer story with a US$100million budget been attempted; why bother when this subject will be ignored by the American market?

Somehow Danny Cannon secured backing for Goal!, a vision that began to take shape in 2003 where Newcastle became the club and city of choice, apparently fending off both Chelsea and Manchester United. The premise of the film was never a secret; young Mexican illegal immigrant wins the chance of a contract with Newcastle United after being spotted playing for a Los Angeles amateur club and makes the big time.

Suffice to say that is not the basis of a good film. But Santiago Munez (Kuno Becker) plays the role of doting yet ambitious grandson/son/brother in a poverty stricken environment to perfection in one of many storylines that puts the football on the subs' bench. Unfortunately this stutters the beginning of the film in the first test of the audience's patience.

The genius of the picture kicks off when Munez eventually swaps LA for Tyneside. From the train journey from London to his arrival in Newcastle Central the beauty of the East Coast line and the bridges over the Tyne are captured and immortalised. Upon arrival in Newcastle the stereotyping of the Geordie Nation picks up pace with jokes about "the toon" just the start of the fun - there's even a comic Scouser thrown in for good measure.

Munez struggles to hold his own while harbouring an affection for Newcastle's club nurse Roz Harmison (Anna Friel), latest signing and resident bad-boy Gav Harris (Alessandro Nivola) demonstrates the Footballer's Cribs lifestyle, while sampling the delights of the Quayside and infamous Bigg Market. Somehow the film avoids falling into Footballers' Wives / Dream Team levels of tackiness - although there are cringeworthy moments a-plenty.

Star footballers are neatly worked into the script, with many of the Newcastle first team appearing and Alan Shearer getting a line. There are further appearances from Raul, Zinedine Zidane and David Beckham nicely setting up the second of the Goal! trilogy (which focuses on Spanish giants Real Madrid). The football action is cleverly shot, with reserve games being acted out and actors being superimposed onto Premiership action.

St James' Park was filled by fans volunteering in the hope of an appearance in a Hollywood film, while Munez and Harris hid behind advertising hoardings to join in celebrations of first team goals. Those moments were bemusing for the oblivious crowds at the games

The Tyne and Wear Tourist Board would do well to use Goal! in future promotions. The film may help eliminate the vision of it being grim up North, capturing as it does the heart and soul of Newcastle, a city that revolves around its football club.

Goal! is no Oscar contender, but for a feel-good movie you'll be hard pressed to find a better option this year. It's all the more impressive given the subject matter. Goal! is not a film for football fanatics from Newcastle - the subject matter is universal complete with cultural diversity.

It is also fantastically acted by a relatively unknown cast. Star Alessandro Nivola told musicOMH.com that the sequel is even better (although he would say that) - Real Madrid give the cameras even more access. This trilogy looks destined to become a universal success.

Film Review from http://www.musicomh.com/films2/goal_0905.htm

It's a nice film guys, this film will awake your spirit of football -v2002-


Untitled pt.9

By felix-v2002

Happy valentine's day!!!!

Well, i want to say sorry to some of my friends(Nugraha, Ian, etc.) because i was lying about this valentine.... The detail can be found on my other blog (notify me if you find it ^^), which you can find if you guys want to know.... So, for those whose looking for that 'secret blog', i just can say : 'Happy Searching' ^^


Lose for a Lesson

By felix-v2002

hahaha.... Aku kalah lagi lomba di Petra kalah, nggak ada yang perlu disalahkan emang soalnya yang sulit.. soal pertanyaan logika, dan aku nggak siap sama sekali. Wajarlah kalo kalah...

Dan dari kekalahan ini aku sudah mulai belajar untuk dapat menerima sebuah kekalahan sebagai hal yang biasa.. Biasanya kalau aku kalah selalu ada yang jadi kambing hitam, entah inilah.. itulah... tapi sekarang aku sudah bisa menerima kekalahan meskipun masih agak kecewa karena kalah... But That's Okay!!!

Today, pak Tik masuk kelas, nggantiin pak Hari yang gak masuk(kuapookkk-mu kapan le!). Terus pak Tik nunjuk aku jadi Ketua Year Book, aku sebenernya gak mau, kalo disuruh ngurusin doank sih masih mau, tapi kalo disuruh jadi ketua gak mau, tapi apa boleh buat, kalo dah dikasih tugas, kalo mau ditolak kan gak baik, tapi kalo nanti ada orang yang lebih pantas, dengan senang hati aku akan memberikan jabatan ini, guys, ada nominasi lain???.... Jadi temen-temen kalo ada yang punya ide buat Year book tulis disini ato e-mail aku ke felix2002@gmail.com ditunggu lho ya en mohon dukungannya....

haha... another funny stories, tadi di skul ada dari makobu katanya kalo ada anak yang mau 'nembak' boleh, trus disiarin di Radio.... Trus aku disuruh ikut.. emang udah gila ya???? Jelas gak maulah kalo disuruh ikut... Ada satu anak yang katanya nembak, cewek nembak cowok, but i don't know the detail...

Okay, that's all for today....


Untitled pt.8

By felix-v2002

Right Now, i'm sick... And i don't go to school....

That's all....


Untitled pt.7

By felix-v2002

It's been a long time since i wrote a blog Untitled-ly...

Well, right now, i'm on the internet cafe, and this is the first time i write a blog in an internet cafe... And i've just downloaded the song that the lyric i wrote in the previous post...

omg, tadi tuh namanya bukan remedial fisika tapi perburukan, soal'e uangellllll soro..... mana aku paling males kalo ngomongin masalah mekanika... ^^

Oh ya, kemaren dulu kan sempat nulis 2 lirik lagu, itu sebenernya artinya dalem banget, tapi pemilihan katanya aku buat sedemikian rupa sehingga isinya bakalan 'kurang' jelas kalo kalian nggak bener2 ngerti tentang aku... Well, one is about 'the girl' and the other one is about 'the friend'... well just hope, again 'hope remain a hope' that both of them would read that lyric and understand my feeling... and yeah XXrejectedXX i hope that we can finish that song ASAP... ^^

Well, secretly i want to give her a surprise during the val'days but i'm not sure i would do it, it just a thought that flowing through my head on yesterday... B'coz i'm not sure that it would be a help, it even would worse the situation... So What Do You Think, guys???


I wanna call the stars
Down from the sky
I wanna live a day
That never dies
I wanna change the world
Only for you
All the impossible
I wanna do

I wanna hold you close
Under the rain
I wanna kiss your smile
And feel the pain
I know what's beautiful
Looking at you
In a world of lies
You are the truth

And baby
Everytime you touch me
I become a hero
I'll make you safe
No matter where you are
And bring you
Everything you ask for
Nothing is above me
I'm shining like a candle in the dark
When you tell me that you love me

I wanna make you see
Just what I was
Show you the loneliness
And what it does
You walked into my life
To stop my tears
Everything's easy now
I have you here

And baby
Everytime you touch me
I become a hero
I'll make you safe
No matter where you are
And bring you
Everything you ask for
Nothing is above me
I'm shining like a candle in the dark
When you tell me that you love me

In a world without you
I would always hunger
All I need is your love to make me stronger

And baby
Everytime you touch me
I become a hero
I'll make you safe
No matter where you are
And bring you
Everything you ask for
Nothing is above me
I'm shining like a candle in the dark
When you tell me that you love me

ps : Hope remain a hope


Right now, i just don't wanna think about you, don't wanna think about me, i just wanna think about how to make myself happier, laugher, and more exciting... This feeling come when i was watching American Pie, i just thought that there are a lot of laugher out there, so why do i have to be so pathetic like this... Cheer up!!!

Don't Wanna Think About You
Simple Plan

Can you leave me here alone now
I dont wanna hear you say
That you know me
That I should be always doin what you say
Cause Im tryin' to get through today
And there's one thing I know

I dont wanna think about you
or think about me
Dont wanna figure this out
I dont wanna think about you
or think about nothin'
Dont wanna talk this one out
I won't let you bring me down
'cause I know, I don't wanna think about you,
Don't wanna think about you

When I wake up here tomorrow
Things will never be the same
Cause I won't wait
Cause you won't change
And you'll always be this way
Now I'm gonna get through today
And there's one thing I know

I dont wanna think about you
or think about me
Dont wanna figure this out
I dont wanna think about you
or think about nothin'
Dont wanna talk this one out
This time I won't let you bring me down
Won't let you shut me out
'This time I know, I don't wanna think about you

Run away, run away, running as fast as I can
Run away, run away, I'll never come back again
Run away, run away

I don't wanna think about you
or think about me
Dont wanna figure this out
I don't wanna think about you
or think about me
Dont wanna talk this one out

I don't wanna think about you
or think about me
Dont wanna figure this out
I don't wanna think about you
or think about nothin'
Dont wanna talk this one out
This time I won't let you bring me down
Won't let you shut me out
'This time I know, I don't wanna think about you,
Run away, run away ,I dont wanna think about you
Run away, run away ,I dont wanna think about you
Run away, run away ,I dont wanna think about you
Run away, run away.....


Lyric by : the v2002

It's Nothing Than Just a Handwriting

Stare at your eyes
It's killing me....
yeah... killing me...

Did you know,
that you used to be my black box
something that never blow
Keep anything on that box

And you,
used to put your trust on me
as i did nothing,
Now, I'm just a fucking shit to you
It's okay, just burry me down

Now, you're just a Gladstone
and i'm the Donald Duck
And you keep on drowning me down (down....)
fading the last hope (hope....)
Dissapointing me...

The last star keep on blinking
As it's fading away
And so my Big Bang
Keep on fading away

And you want to know
It's all your fault
I'm telling you
I'm yelling at you
Listen to me
One more time
It's all your fault!!!


Burry it...
Forget our memories
Forget me...
Never dig it
remain a story
A true sad story for me (yeah...)
A nicely ended story to you


You.... Argh......


Take This Sad Song

By felix-v2002

Lyric by : the v2002

Take This Sad Song

It's now seem clear to me
Deep Inside carved inside your heart of stone
As it's written in your choffin
Written with the blood of sin

Now, look what you've done
Seems so hurt to me
Just like what Judas did
to the Jesus eye's lid

So, stay away from me
To keep your face away from me
Seems like it's a fool
And it ain't something cool

Take your own pistol
Equip it with some fool
And shoot me....
Killing me....


Do i hurt you???
It's you...
The one's who kill me...
So, Don't try to act so lame...

Take your own pistol
Equip it with some fool
And shoot me....
Killing me....


ps : XXrejectedXX, can you help me play this song???


Thank You for The Venom

By felix-v2002

Sister, I'm not much a poet, but a criminal
And you never had a chance,

love it, or leave it, you cant understand
a pretty face but you do so carry on,
And on,
And on,
and on,
I wouldn't front the scene if you paid me
I'm just the way that the doctor made me on,
And on,
And on,
And on

Love is the red the rose on your coffin door
What's life like bleeding on the floor?
The floor,
The floor
the floor

You'll never make me leave
I wear this on my sleeve
Give me your reason to believe

So give me all your poison
And give me all your pills
And give me all your hopeless hearts
and make me ill
You're running after something
That you'll never kill
If this is what you want
Then fire at will

Preach all you want, but who's gonna save me?
I keep a gun on the book you gave me,
Hallelujah, lock and load
black is the kiss, the touch of the serpent son,
it aint the mark or the scar that makes you one and,
and one

You'll never make me leave
I wear this on my sleeve
You wanna follow something
Give me a better cause to lead
Just give me what I need
Give me a reason to believe

So give me all your poison (fire at will)
And give me all your pills (fire at will)
And give me all your hopeless hearts
and make me ill
You're running after something
That you'll never kill
If this is what you want
Then fire at will